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Rugby’s Pilates and Core Wellbeing Studio

Anne Simonsen’s journey to Shape It Up Pilates and Shape It Up Core was fuelled by her desire to build connections with others. Relocating regularly with her family over the years, exercise became a vital tool in building connections. She describes exercise as her “way in” to developing friendships and becoming part of communities. Being a part of something special, connecting with others, and finding that inclusion in exercise classes provided Anne with her own sense of community wherever she and her family were.


After relocating to England from the States with her husband and small children twenty years ago, Anne found herself in a moment of serendipity when the classes she began attending were prematurely closing. Whilst living in the States, Anne was already teaching Aerobics and Step classes and had gained her first qualification. So, it felt like an only natural fit for Anne to take over her new classes here in England when the instructor became injured.


With twenty years of experience providing her classes in a range of settings, Anne usually offers classes from the Rugby Osteopathic Centre and her own Studio (at the Churchside Arcade in Rugby’s town centre), as well as many online options during this current global situation. Her small children are now fully grown, and each play a vital role in supporting her with the running of Shape It Up Pilates and Core.


Anne’s services suit many different clients’ needs and she has commented that many of her customers come to her due to changes in their body. This can include things like injury, recovering from surgery, childbirth, and much more.


With female bodies in particular constantly changing, Shape it Up Core courses offer sessions that will increase core strength and improve women’s pelvic floor. The Heat® sessions offered through Shape It Up Core have become very popular during lockdown. Before the lockdown that took place across the UK, as well as the rest of the globe, Anne’s most popular service, was the group Pilates sessions. These sessions aim to improve your body awareness, strength, balance, and overall posture. At the moment, with the current global pandemic still very real, Anne is kindly offering 1:1 Pilates sessions and she has extensively developed the services she can offer online.


Shape It Up Pilates Studio


Anne’s passion for people, personal touch and authentic approach to each client she works with are huge selling points for Shape it Up Pilates and Core. You will develop your knowledge and skills using exercises and movements that will give you relief, provide you with strength, and enable you to develop confidence in your own body.


Anne’s passion for movement and people is the perfect combination when you are looking to make changes to your life and body. She will help you to set realistic goals and then will support you to reach them. Each person’s connection to their own body is different and Anne’s personal touch takes this into account. With many individuals finding themselves at a crossroads with their body, Anne’s short consultations and online courses are an ideal fit for helping you find your way. Check out her website to see the latest packages she is offering.


Shape It Up Pilates is built on a love for community and as such, the passionate people-centred owner continues to give back to the community of folks she has created around her. With so much uncertainty for the future, Anne is focusing on supporting the community of individuals who use her services, providing them with resources and support from a distance. Anne mentioned ‘one day at a time’ being an important motto for her customers but also for the state of things at the moment. Taking one day at a time to find and create new opportunities that serve the needs of her customers whilst also keeping them safe.



Written by Heather Marie Willis